Brady Marks is a digital media artist whose fascination with sound and concern for our relationship with technology has led her to explore media art and generative soundscape composition. As a graduate of the Interactive Arts program at Simon Fraser University, she was exposed to the World Soundscape Project, Acoustic Ecology and a communication-based framework for sound art. In 2005, she joined the Soundscape Collective at Vancouver Co-operative Radio. In the summer of 2014, Marks developed her interest in slow media embarking on a slow TV-style internet broadcast in collaboration with fellow artist Danielle Gotell.
In 2013, multidisciplinary artist Mark Timmings began to focus his attention on the wetland beside his home on Saturna Island, British Columbia. The initial impetus for the Wetland Project was to heighten his awareness of this environment. It occurred to him that the marsh was a metaphor for the primordial soup constituting the origins of life. He made connections between the activities and vocalizations of the wetland creatures and of his own.
In 2015, Brady Marks and Mark Timmings joined forces to collaborate on the Wetland Project. They realized that the rich soundscape emanating from the marsh is the original form of “background listening.” Soundscapes have the power to “key” our daily routine. Radio, television and internet streams now “bracket the day” with segmented media cycles. They have replaced the natural acoustic environments that once connected us to nature.
At a time of growing environmental degradation and estrangement from nature, Marks and Timmings determined that the experience of listening to the wetland soundscape needed to be shared, now more than ever, in the form of an intervention upon the mass medias of radio and internet.
Commenting on the Wetland Project, environmental activist David Suzuki reminds us that, “In cities, we are increasingly isolated from the natural world on which we, as animals, remain utterly dependent for our health and wellbeing. Listening to nature is a necessary part of acknowledging the world around us.”
In Earth Week 2016, recording engineer Eric Lamontagne travelled to Saturna Island to help Marks and Timmings capture the sounds of the wetland. Equipment to make a field recording was set up on a fallen tree at the centre of the marsh. They collected thirty-two continuous hours of data. A twenty-four-hour segment of the recording was selected and processed into a sound loop for broadcast.
Top image: From left to right, Eric Lamontagne, Mark Timmings and Brady Marks make a twenty-four-hour, five-channel field recording of the Saturna Island wetland, April 25–27, 2016.
Bottom image: Equipment to make the recording was set up on a fallen tree at the centre of the marsh.
The Wetland broadcast premiered on Earth Day 2017 when Vancouver Co-operative Radio dedicated twenty-seven continuous hours of airtime to the soundscape of the Saturna Island marsh recorded in the previous year. It became the longest continuous radio transmission in Canadian history. Co-op Radio listeners embraced the ambient format which layered their experience of time with the circadian rhythm of the wetland wilderness. The broadcast went global for over a thousand more online listeners. The soundscape was superimposed on vernacular spaces—city buses, hair salons and pubs. Listener feedback was unanimous, positive and enthusiastic.
Brady Marks hosts the marathon Wetland broadcast from the studios of Vancouver Co-operative Radio, April 22–23, 2017. Every half-hour, her discreet program notes and station identification informed listeners about what they were listening to without distracting them from the experience of the soundscape.
The Wetland broadcast commemorates the 50-year anniversary of the founding of the World Soundscape Project (WSP) by Canadian writer and composer R. Murray Schafer at Simon Fraser University. With Schafer, WSP members Howard Broomfield, Bruce Davis, Peter Huse, Barry Truax and Hildegard Westerkamp initiated the discipline of Acoustic Ecology by studying, through active listening, the relationship between humans and their environment. In the words of composer, radio artist and sound ecologist Hildegard Westerkamp, “learning how to listen and what kind of listener we are in the world … is an environmental question.” She asks us, “How deeply are we engaged with the world through our ears?”
In his 1975 article “FM Radio as Observational Access to Wilderness Environments,” composer, researcher and WSP associate Bruce Davis proposed “wilderness radio” that would broadcast sounds from a remote natural environment to the city. This project would have impacted our relationship to Nature and our conceptualization of radio.
For years man has been pumping his affairs out across the wilderness environment. For once the natural soundscape would be allowed, in its wisdom, to speak back to us.
— R. Murray Schafer, from Radical Radio (1987)
Bruce Davis recording the sounds of a pond at Westminster Abbey, Mission, British Columbia, on the summer solstice, June 24, 1974. Photo courtesy of the World Soundscape Project, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver
Four decades after it was first proposed, Brady Marks and Mark Timmings are realizing Bruce Davis’s vision. In sharp contrast to the distractive experience of mainstream commercial radio, the Wetland broadcast transforms listeners’ interaction into one of acute perception. It is, to quote Davis, “a radio service which ‘listens in’ rather than ‘broadcasts out.’” Since most natural life forms operate on a twenty-four-hour cycle, or circadian rhythm, the real time aspect of slow radio allows the listener to be engaged in the full spectrum of the soundscape as it occurs. Apperceptions of time are also transformed, from measured time—the tick-tock of clocks—to a lived, fluid time, a “becoming” of time. An incessant enfolding of time upon itself emerges, time upon time upon time, ad infinitum, without interveners that abstract or represent the experience.It is not the measure of time but the “in-between” in time that matters. One could say that, in the Wetland broadcast, clocks are relinquished altogether, that they are replaced by a richer experience of duration. The broadcast slips into a realm of innate knowledge of the shared biological time between the wild marsh beings and ourselves.
The broadcast has the potential to expose interconnections between the creatures in the wetland and people in their homes, vehicles and workplaces as they go about their everyday activities. It operates as an art-intervention upon the medium of radio that promotes environmental awareness, self-reflexivity and activism. Questions arise: When does sound become noise? When does noise become music? How do airplanes and human activities resonate with the natural soundscape? How do I fit into the sonic environment and how does it affect my daily activities? How can I affect change? While tuning into the Wetland broadcast, listeners’ daily routines are re-enchanted by the rich, holistic, unpredictable sounds issuing from the radio.
The Wetland Project is a beautiful, quietly amazing work of micro-post-geographical art that allows us to be wherever we are and somewhere wonderfully natural and real, simultaneously. It’s an experience I wish everyone could have, and I wish there were more experiences like it.
— William Gibson
Listening to the Wetland broadcast is to embark on three layers of experience: “percept,” “affect” and
“concept” which strictly correspond to “sensorium,” “body,” and “mind.” In the first instance, the preconscious “percept” engages the subject viscerally; this is followed spontaneously by an “affective” state imprinted on the body; “concepts” are then distilled by the mind. This process is instantaneous. Following this model, applied to the experience of the marsh soundscape, “percepts” transmit via the senses the complexity of wetland life. Here, the “affects” range from relaxation, enchantment and wonder to extremes of fear and astonishment. The sublime power of nature disarms. Immediately, cognition is engaged and “concepts” grip the mind: Bird! Frog! Airplane! Water! Wind!
In this way, art has an inherent potential to emit complex life forces; it has “perceptual,” “affective,” and “conceptual” layers which, in the aesthetic experience of the broadcast, interact with each other intensely. Additionally, two different auditory streams are heard at once: the sounds of the wetland delivered through the radio speakers and the sounds originating in the listener’s immediate physical environment. The result is a concurrently overlapping bipartite soundscape integrated into a single sustained listening experience—a work of art. Radio speakers deliver an augmented reality and become virtual windows opening onto the wetland soundscape. This transformation—from speaker to window—and the primordial, emotional and cultural forces it summons, also shape the piece as art. Following philosopher Martin Heidegger: “the work of art holds open the Open of the world.”
Listener Feedback
For the past few years, KALW has broadcast one or two hours of the Wetland Project to mark Earth Day. In 2020, we decided to broadcast the full 24 hours in honor of the 50th celebration of Earth Day. We knew that with shelter in place in effect so many of our listeners could use a break from the news—and a way to connect to the outdoors. The response from our community was overwhelming. It sparked a conversation for us about how we might bring other soundscapes to KALW’s airwaves on a regular basis. For staff and listeners alike, the 24-hour broadcast was both wondrous and joyous. It helped shift our perspective—and isn’t that exactly what great radio and great art should do?
— Tina Pamintuan (General Manager, San Francisco Public Radio KALW 91.7 FM), San Francisco, CA, USA
CJSR will definitely participate in the broadcast again this year. Thank you so much for continuing this fantastic project—it is some of our favourite programming to share with listeners!
— Meagan Miller (News Coordinator, Edmonton Independent Radio CJSR 88.5 FM), Edmonton, AB
What a fabulous idea at this particular moment … Thank you so much. We will listen.
— Karen Love (Director of Institutional Gifts, Vancouver Art Gallery), Vancouver, BC
This is great! … Suddenly this kind of broadcast makes a whole lot more sense to many people! I am so glad you have been pursuing this so energetically over the last years.
— Hildegard Westerkamp (sound artist/World Soundscape Project member), Vancouver, BC
Finally, something to look forward to!!
— Karen Waine (hair stylist), Vancouver, BC
We can all use some gentleness.
— Susie Washington-Smyth, Saturna Island, BC
Immerse yourself in an endangered environmental soundscape during this “slow radio” experience. It’ll be a breath of fresh air during this time of isolation!
— The Environmental Center, Bend, OR
Here’s a great way to spend the day: the slow radio of the Wetland Project.
— SFU School for the Contemporary Arts, Vancouver, BC
As we continue life under shelter-in-place, the experience of listening to birds, frogs, insects, wind (and the occasional airplane) promises to be a welcome respite as well as an unforgettable auditory experience.
— Peter Thompson (Bluegrass Signal host, San Francisco Public Radio KALW 91.7 FM), Oakland, CA, USA
So great. I’m excited about this.
— Pharis and Jason Romero (folk music duo), Horsefly, BC
Love this.
— Lisa Berman (graphic designer/photographer, Lisa Berman Design), San Francisco, CA, USA
Some peaceful sound for your ears, tune into the Wetland Project’s Slow Radio for Earth Day!
— Other Sights for Artists’ Projects, Vancouver, BC
I’ll be listening to CKUT in Montreal
— Alison Moore (artist), Montréal, QC
Beautiful sounds of nature … as today turns into Earth Day at midnight. Soothe your ragged flesh …
— High Desert Community Radio KPOV 88.9 FM, Bend, OR, USA
That’s so awesome! Glad you were able to resurrect this program for Earth Day. We’ll be listening! It will mix well with the bird sounds we have around our house these days.
— Maureen Welton, Saturna Island, BC
In 2017, the museum partnered with the marvelous and wonderful Upper Thames River Conservation Authority in the creation of a wetland project on the museum’s grounds! In honour of Earth Day, and perhaps more than ever, in honour of escaping to nature for a brief (or long) moment of fresh air, birds songs and frog choruses, we share with you a slow radio broadcast (ah, radio!!) out of British Columbia called the Wetland Project.… Happy Sunshine. Happy Sounds. Happy Earth Day.
— The Stratford Perth Museum, Stratford, ON
… fantastic! We’re going to tune in … I also want to thank you, and congratulate you on your work on behalf of our natural environment.
— Al Razutis (multimedia artist and film-maker), Saturna Island, BC
Imorgen er det Earth Day Network! Det fejrer Wetland Project med en 24 timers live udsendelse på radiostationer over hele verden. Her i Danmark sender The Lake fra midnat CET og 24 timer frem …
— Brønshøj Vandtårn, Copenhagen, DK
This beautiful project … Can’t wait!
— Satkiana Shaw (teaching assistant, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board), Ottawa, ON
I’ll be tuned in!
— Gord Kristjansen (landscape maintenance worker), Vancouver, BC
I’m pre-recording next week’s April 22 Accordion Noir show so I can spend Earth Day listening to the 24 hr Wetland Project “Slow Radio” broadcast
We always threaten to show up with some accordions in the swamp, but I fear a million froggies would drown us out (literally or figuratively). I dearly long to hear those frogs waking up (at about 6 pm, but they’re going from the start too until they quieten in the morning). This feels like it’s particularly needed this time around the sun.
— Bruce Triggs (Accordion Noir host, Vancouver Co-operative Radio CFRO 100.5 FM), Vancouver, BC
I’m tuned to KALW’s quiet, audacious programming for Earth Day 50. If you’re working at home, trying to get your kids to do schoolwork, or just making your way through another one of these strange days, it’s remarkably good company.
— Matt Martin, Oakland, CA, USA
As I work from home, I’m enjoying this as my soundtrack, in celebration of Earth Day. It seems especially comforting and poignant for those of us sheltering in place and experiencing reduced mobility. Where are you, this Earth Day?
— Katherine Lee (graphic designer), Vancouver, BC
And now for a broadcast from Mother Earth.
— Jennifer Moss (Adjunct Professor, Creative Writing, University of British Columbia / freelance broadcaster, CBC), Vancouver, BC
It is very calming on this rainy day in Vancouver!!
— Marisa Orth-Pallavicini (retired teacher), Vancouver, BC
Listen to the sonic wonders of wetlands Earth Day.
— UF Howard T. Odum Center for Wetlands, Gainesville, FL, USA
I’m quite enjoying this so far and plan on keeping it on for at least the next 24 hours! Also, I’ve seen so many wetlands destroyed during my lifetime. It just doesn’t make sense. Why do we keep agreeing to that? … Just heard a bee!
— Gurprasad Green, Ottawa, ON
Enjoying [the] live stream recording of wetland sounds from Saturna Island for earth day.
— Mary Bunch (Assistant Professor, Cinema and Media Arts, York University), Toronto, ON
So beautiful, thank you so much. Incredible and beautiful, wonderful British Columbia! xx
— Joanne Egerton St-Laurent, Vancouver, BC
Happy Earth Day everyone! As we all stay at home, the Wetland Project offers us a beautiful way to bring the outside inside …
— Vancouver New Music, Vancouver, BC
#mood so good!
— Jen Pea (Kikimora Productions), Vancouver, BC
Happy Earth Day! Don’t forget that CiTR radio is streaming the Wetland Project for 24 hours right now. That’s a whole day of Saturna Island swamp ambience. Trust me, it’ll do you good! This project by Brady Marks and Mark Timmings just keeps giving.
— Helena Krobath (artist/writer/communications specialist), Vancouver, BC
Loving listening today. Happy Earth Day to you!
— Deborah Margo (artist), Ottawa, ON
Merci ! Je suis curieuse de vivre cette journée de la Terre dans le contexte actuel — on sera peut-être moins distrait que d’habitude ?
— Emmeline Debay (artiste), Gatineau, QC
World Earth Day “slow radio”— broadcast from the Saturna Island marsh. Wonderful listening for these times … and hope that nature can overcome some of our worst excesses.
— David Simm (theology student), Moray, UK
people ask what you want to listen to during labor and I thought of exactly this.
— Artemis Brod, Palo Alto, CA, USA
We are listening to wetland now … so healing and love your voice ! Happy Earth Day …
— Makiko Hara and Randy Gledhill (artists), Vancouver, BC
the soundscape on KALW is incredible to wake up to. Thank you
— Marissa Axell (bike racer/personal trainer/coach), San Francisco, CA, USA
love hearing the redwing blackbird!
— Tanya Hill (Front Row Centre host, Vancouver Co-operative Radio CFRO 100.5 FM), Vancouver, BC
Listening and loving the daylong soundscape broadcast
— Susan Wolf (visual and performing artist), Berkeley, CA, USA
For the next 24 hours only on our micropower radio frequencies (1620 AM & 87.9 FM) hear the Earth Day sounds of Wetland Project somewhere in Portland.
— Scumbag Radio (experimental Part 15 legal unlicensed radio station), Portland, OR
Air travel restrictions are one of the greatest gifts to the planet.
— Jenn Castro
just woke up to my local radio station playing your soundscape. Loving it! Right now there’s a little mechanical noise in the background, and perhaps some highway noise. Maybe later there will be a different soundscape?
— Kristina K, Oakland, CA, USA
— Jean *Flatten the Curve 2020*
It is Earth Day and we can hear Wetlands sounds and plenty of birds from our radios and streaming online all day.
— Maplewood Flats Conservation Area, North Vancouver, BC
My favourite thing to do for Earth Day! Closest thing to spending the whole day in a wetland.
— Sara Komarnisky (settler scholar/author), Sǫ̀mba k’è, Yellowknife, NT
Happy Earth Day everyone! I’m enjoying the soundscapes from the frog pond on beautiful Saturna Island!!
— Robert Timmings (financial planner), Toronto, ON
a different and fascinating listen on CJSR all day today
— Randy Talbot (artist), Edmonton, AB
thank you for the sounds of Saturna Island, making expansive shelter in place
— Elizabeth Costello (writer and player), Berkeley, CA, USA
Happy Earth Day! Highly recommend this livestream which I’m listening to right now on KALW
— Clare Nolan (co-founder Engage R+D), San Francisco, CA, USA
Listening to this all day.
— Daya Mudra (lifelong learner), Mexico City, MX
This is just lovely. So relaxing. Thank you.
— Jennifer Tilley (fashion blogger), San Francisco, CA, USA
Recommendation for today’s Earth Day: Wetland Project
— Jacek Smolicki (interdisciplinary artist), Stockholm, SE
Decided I’m happy for the soundtrack of my life to just be wetland noises.
— Sanaa Ali-Virani (editorial assistant, Tor Books), New York, NY, USA
Thank you Wetland Project and KALW for this beautiful environmental soundscape celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day.
— Lisa Sutcliffe (Herzfeld Curator of Photography and Media Arts, Milwaukee Art Museum), Milwaukee, WI
Bring the outdoors in for Earth Day 2020. Live stream the marsh into your work and school at home via KALW and Wetland Project.
— Lalit LB
Happy Earth Day! I’ll be celebrating by listening to the sounds from the wetlands all day instead of the news. … Love hearing all the hummingbirds and red-winged blackbirds. Thanks for doing this!
— Lori Weidenhammer (author of Victory Gardens for Bees), Vancouver, BC
This is so wonderful. A teammate just told me he’s been listening all day on KALW.
— Dunston Orchard (designer/developer), San Francisco, CA, USA
great sounds to listen to on this Earth Day!
— L. McGrew
Enjoying Wetland Project today on earthday!
— Tracy McBride (realtor), Berkeley, CA, USA
Need a break from the news? Listen to the sounds of a wetland until midnight tonight. You may recognize some bird songs and calls: many of the species heard on today’s Wetland Project broadcast also live in the SF Bay Area!
— San Francisco Public Radio KALW 91.7 FM, San Francisco, CA, USA
Wetland Project is absolutely beautiful … I’m in the heart of Manhattan and this is literally music to my ears. What a beautiful honoring of Earth Day!
— Karen, New York, NY, USA
Loving this today. Bringing sunshine through clouds. Sanity in chaos.
— Cousin Awd (host of 42 Fish, Powell River Community Radio CJMP 90.1 FM), Apartheid Canada, Powell River, BC
My radio station cjmpfm is broadcasting the Wetlands today. Join us, from isolation.
— dubcomandante aka DJ Triple Dub (host of Pow! Town Get Down, Powell River Community Radio CJMP 90.1 FM), Tla’amin First Nation Territory, Powell River, BC
Thank you! I am listening from Pacifica Ca. I heard about your broadcast from a fellow Waterbird Docent—we are volunteers at Alcatraz Island in SF. As it is closed and we are sheltering at home, this broadcast really brings a smile to my face!!
— Kimberlie Moutoux (volunteer, Alcatraz Island), San Francisco, CA, USA
I’m tuning into the wetland live stream right now. So great.
— Sandra Dyck (Director, Carleton University Art Gallery), Ottawa, ON
Happy Earth Day! Today on my local public radio station KALW, it’s nothing but birds chirping, courtesy of Wetland Project. So soothing, and I bet the birds really are talking more since the slowdown of human activity has given the planet room to breathe.
— Anneliese Taylor (Head of Scholarly Communication, University of California), San Francisco, CA, USA
This is a live broadcast of nature’s sounds from a Canadian wetland. Treat your ears, it will make you feel like a person again.
— Count Melancholia, Scotland, UK
So delighted [to hear you] on KALW today!
— Anna-Marie Booth (lawyer/educator), San Francisco, CA, USA
i tuned in to my local station expecting BBC, this is so much more informative (and relaxing). Thanks.
— Actually, both those things are bad, Ohlone land
It’s so wonderful—it makes me feel like I’m telecommuting in a beautiful wilderness—it brings a glorious Outside to me while I’m sheltering in place. Thank you so much for this.
— Heather Hernandez (Librarian), San Francisco, CA, USA
Wetland Project and CJSR doing another amazing Earth Day broadcast. PERFECT background sounds for a do-nothing day at home.
— James MacKenzie, Edmonton, AB
In celebration of earth day, I’m tuned in to listen to the Wetland Project’s simply beautiful recording of 24 hours of nature—simply sound—birds, squirrels, frogs, water.
— Miss Ole (Ed Tech Integrationist, Dresden International School Germany), Dresden, DE
Made today’s set of masks while listening to the wetland soundscape … I’ve been buzzing all morning with the background bugs. (Masks are for my Undocumasks project on Facebook.)
— Adriana Camarena (Mexican writer, legal consultant, activist), San Francisco, CA, USA
If you need something relaxing today, I recommend tuning into the Wetland Project. So far I’ve heard blackbirds, ducks, hummingbirds, a (giant sounding) bee, and so many beautiful sounds that remind me of my hometown on Vancouver Island (Snuneymuxw and Nuu-chah-nulth territory).
— Nadine Nakagawa (City Councillor), Qayqayt Territory, New Westminster, BC
So lovely to have these sounds in the bg while I’m working. Wonderful project. Thanks!
— Maria Lantin (Director, Basically Good Media Lab, Emily Carr University of Art + Design), Vancouver, BC
KALW is broadcasting a soundscape today Earth Day from Wetland Project. It is so divine. Calming, gentle. This is the best antidote to sheltering in place doldrums. Gratitude to KALW, Wetland Project and to Momma Nature.
— Zoe Elton (film curator/writer/interviewer/cartoonist), San Francisco, CA, USA
I’m loving this on KALW, beautiful.
— Billie Forer, San Rafael, CA, USA
For those of you who need a sonic break from madness, in honor of Earth Day, KALW is playing 24 straight hours of the Wetland Project. …. Great time for birds. Soon, frogs! … Gorgeous round the clock real-time sound.
— Lee Romney (reporter/independent journalist), San Francisco, CA, USA
For Earth Day, stream some moist sounds from the Wetland Project by Mark, Brady and the rest of their team.
— Germaine Koh (artist), Vancouver, BC
Live from the wetlands on Saturna Island, on the Salish Sea; accessible anywhere on this beautiful planet. Happy earth day, everyone! Thank you Brady and Mark for this annual piece of pure joy, especially poignant this year. Looking forward to when the bullfrog chorus kicks in this evening.
— Michèle Smith, Vancouver, BC
I give out big gratitude
and thanks!!!
to y’all for the day of peace and Nature Sounds
it’s like listening to my own heartbeat!!!
thank you very much y’all
!!!!much appreciated!!!!!!
— Victor Quintero
Tired of COVID-19 news? Today, in honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, KALW is broadcasting 24 hrs of the Wetland Project. 24 hours of real-time recording from the ṮEḴTEḴSEN marsh in the unceded W̱SÁNEĆ territory in Saturna Island, British Columbia. Stream it online at or tune your radio to 91.7 … and just listen!! I love it.
— Angela Johnston (Energy and Environment Reporter, KALW 91.7 FM), San Francisco, CA, USA
Your wetlands are carpeting my 600 square foot apartment and pulling me out of this COVID prison. Many thanks. Brilliant.
— Nettie Wild (filmmaker), Vancouver, BC
Just over here listening to wetlands
— Ariel Dovas (Creative Director, BAYCAT), San Francisco, CA, USA
Been enjoying this a lot. Nonstop since 2am. Nice! Except for the chatter. And more chatter. And more chatter. Great nature sounds though. Loved the bullfrogs. Amazing. Awesome sunrise symphony. But the endless. Breathless. Chatter. And more chatter.
— Matt Dubuque, Woodside, CA, USA
after an entire day of listening to this soundscape, even as I type, I twirled back to a bird walking down my hallway, and then started thinking about how the human voice sounds to wildlife …
have you heard of the whistle language of the Mazatecos in Mexico? Humans can speak like the birds …
— Adriana Camarena (Mexican writer/legal consultant/activist), San Francisco, CA, USA
Love this
— Dale (nonprofit fundraising strategist), Berkeley, CA, USA
If you wish you could be out in nature today instead of at home, this live broadcast of sound from a Canadian wetland is so wonderfully calming on this Earth Day.
— Desirée Whitmore (chemist/physicist), Oakland, CA, USA
Love this program on Earth day—what peace it has brought. I can’t wait to check in with the animal life—especially when they went to bed!
— Karen Mackey, San Francisco, CA, USA
Just checked in and the frogs are going WILD.
— Michèle Smith, Vancouver, BC
From the morning chorus to the hubbub of the day and now the trilloping of the evening. Listening to Wetland Project all day. Don’t want it to end..
— Zoe Elton (film curator/writer/interviewer/cartoonist), San Francisco, CA, USA
Thanks KALW for this broadcast! Now we’re back to where we started with the frogs! Best radio ever.
— Genevieve Griesau (I only signed onto Twitter to send tweet to the Wetland Project)
Our house is full of wonder noises!
— William Gibson (science fiction author), Vancouver, BC
Thank you so much for this
One of the best John Cage moments ever.
PS the “Bird Jam” between 7 am and 10 am was stellar :-)
— JK
Earbuds in much of today has been like walking in a museum of nature. I shared KALWs link with a friend and we Whatsapp’d with a shared audio experience. Drop this recording team around the globe please, put it in major art museums. This is the art of the planet.
— Charles Griswold
The earth day wetland broadcast on KALW is amazing. Thank you so much.
— Marian Chatfield-Taylor, San Francisco, CA, USA
I haven’t been successful sending an email tonight, but I have appreciated this 24 hour gift from the wee hours today through most of the day, with full and partial attention but feeling such joy and tranquility. The project idea is brilliant. I’m wondering if you chose to record again this year, one more silent due to the disruption to air traffic, etc. It would be profound with so much more natural sounds, less human imposition.
I’ve shared the link with many people. Hope they have gotten as much pleasure as I have. I’m looking forward to drifting off to sleep to the Pacific tree frog chorus. I feel as if I have been transported to a remote vacation site. Thanks to you and our local San Francisco station KALW for this day away from anxiety and the stress of news.
— Betsy Eckstein, San Francisco, CA
Wow … these non stop frogs are LOUD. Reminds me of when we were filming the New People’s Army in the Philippines. The guerrilla camp was surrounded by caciques or crickets—they made a wall of almost electrical sounds. They were so loud that we couldn’t actually record anyone talking. And then suddenly they would stop and the whole jungle was on the alert. Like what happened just now in your bog! So quiet I can hear plops in the water. I wonder who is prowling through that bog. The mind boggles …
Loving this but I have to sleep …
— Nettie Wild (filmmaker), Vancouver, BC
I want to listen to tune into this soundscape at any time … I’ve had it on for many periods throughout the day. Thank you for the slowest of radios!!
Deeply lovely all day long.
— Wilford, San Francisco, CA, USA
This is great at night … the cats are curiously looking behind the curtains to see where these sounds are possibly coming from..
— Gilly Youner (Principal, Frauhaus Architecture), San Francisco, CA, USA
I’ll be bluetoothing this to my stereo later when the others are up. Will be useful to mask traffic when the roads are rolling again.
— Anne Onymouse
This is amazing! Thank you for this magical day. I listened the entire day. Would love to re-visit it again if there’s a way to rebroadcast.
— Michael Horsley (Music Supervisor, The Muny), St. Louis, MO
This is awesome.
— David Smith (Head of Technology Strategy & Product Solutions, The Institute of Engineering and Technology), Blackthorn/Stevenage, UK
Quick! Get your headphones on and listen to You will be glad you did!
— Roger Ridey (journalist), Reigate, UK
Turn down the lights, and unplug anything that hums … (Don’t forget to plug stuff back in when you’re done!)
— Iam Athome, BC
Is there any way for me to just have this on every day? I can’t believe how it improves the hours in isolation.
— David Walter
Our first Earth Day with my daughter provided magical moments with the nature in my neighbourhood in Richmond BC & kudos to the Wetland Project for the 24hr soundscape.
— Michael Wolfe (City Councillor), Richmond, BC
Will this broadcast be available for listening after today? I have been tuned in (KALW-San Francisco) for most of the day … the frogs’ symphony is mesmerizing! I would love to listen again to segments I heard today. Thanks for sharing this, especially during this time when we are all sheltered inside, I am now in the forest at night!
— Roji Oyama (writer/community activist/actor), San Francisco, CA, USA
Imagine the energy shift I felt last night at midnight, tuning into KALW to hear the BBC World News but instead encountering a toad wall of sound. Very soothing and thought provoking for Earth Day, thank you.
— roxmarie, CA, USA
Thanks for this! I feel my brain relaxing! I needed a break from the electronic and digital noises I listen to mostly all day!
— David Sexton, Vancouver, BC
The beasties and I are chilling out with the frogs tonight. Everyone is happy.
— Daya Mudra (lifelong learner), Mexico City, MX
24 hour Earth Day radio broadcast from a Canadian swamp … Froggies keeping us company
— Bruce Triggs (Accordion Noir host, Vancouver Co-operative Radio CFRO 100.5 FM), Vancouver, BC
Love This!!!
— Blue Buddah, unceded Coast Salish territory, Vancouver, BC
you might like this …
— David Hughes (writer), Buckinghamshire, UK
Love it. Such a relief!
My husband likes to listen to news in the morning, which I find poisonous. Hence I try to minimize my exposure to his soundscape. Imagine my puzzlement and delight on hearing bird song from the bath!
It was wonderful envisioning the landscape. I knew it had to be an open space, perhaps on the end of woodland, but not in forest. I imagined a meadow in a transitional space, with woods beyond. Then I heard a redwing, and knew it must include wetlands.
Very restorative. I shared with birder friends. And, it will be a great resource to listen to with bird-knowledgable people to recognize the bird songs; alas, my mother is not alive to do this with us.
Thank you!
— Dorrit
Thanks for all you are doing!
— Susan Charlip
One benefit of staying home is that I was able to focus on listening to the Wetlands project! It is soooo beautiful. I would like to be able to listen for several hours Every day! Thanks!
— Marisa Orth-Pallavicini (retired teacher), Vancouver, BC
I asked my bird watcher friend to write down the birds he heard during the time he listened. I’ve included below. Interesting. Project a great one!
— Nancy Angermeyer (photographer), Saturna Island, BC
Species I heard were …
15 sp in the time I spent listening.
Good project.
— Tony Greenfield (co-author of Guide to the Birds of British Columbia), Sechlelt, BC
The sounds of the marsh at are a soothing backdrop to life in quarantine.
— Foster Boondoggle, Berkeley, CA, USA
This is such an interesting listen today, under these covid circumstances.
Most likely it is quieter out there on Saturna today, not as many airplanes, fewer motorized sounds??
An interesting experience this morning: I had forgotten that I had turned the broadcast on, and as I came out of the shower I heard this red-winged blackbird! I got all excited even though I could not quite believe that such a bird would come to my neighbourhood, but still thinking it came from my back yard!! I opened the door to my backyard and tried to find it and then aah, I remembered!!
I am listening to the broadcast on two of Giorgio’s resonator cedar panels that I have now in my house. It sounds fabulous!
Thanks again for your work.
— Hildegard Westerkamp (sound artist/World Soundscape Project member), Vancouver, BC
I listened to the show yesterday. I turned it off around 4 pm and then back on around 9:30 pm. The night sounds were amazing! I’ve never heard the evening part of the cast before. :-) Thanks.
— Peter Courtemanche (sound artist), Vancouver, BC
There oughta be a radio station (online?) broadcasting this thing every day.
— David Parkinson (The Unending Subtleties of River Power host, Powell River Community Radio CJMP 90.1 FM), Powell River, BC
I loved this so much that a) I mailed [KALW] a check for more than I ever have before, even though I just had a pay cut and b) I wish you’d do it for a random hour EVERY DAY until shelter-in-place is lifted. Even my teenager loved listening, falling asleep to the sound of frogs last night. Thank you!
— Pennington Ahlstrand Neuhaus (Reference and Processing Archivist, Computer History Museum), Palo Alto, CA, USA
We listened all day yesterday .. so nice to hear the sounds from nature
— Makiko Hara and Randy Gledhill (artists), Vancouver, BC
That is my kind of soundscape.
— Lesley Jacobs, Seattle, WA
Amazing, thanks. I have shared with friends around the world.
— Roji Oyama (writer/community activist/actor), San Francisco, CA, USA
My clock radio blasted amphibians singing in the early morning. As the sun rose in British Columbia, so did the bird orchestration taking over. I missed Kevin Vance’s announcements and the Almanac, but this was lovely. I was relieved to find that no, I had not passed out in a bog. I was in my bed listening while I did all the core exercises I do to stretch and strengthen my legs and core so I don’t cuss like a sailor from back pain. Amphibians and birds helped remember what is out there while we are sheltering in here.
— Christina RE, San Francisco, CA, USA
I loved the broadcast on [CiTR] on Earth Day, which I just caught by accident. I’m interested in the Saturna Island connection. Is there something about that on this Facebook site or on the Wetland Project website? Thanks for the wonderful soundscape.
— Eric Ball, BC
For those in quarantine, bring mother nature into your home, enjoy this environmental soundscape at Birds are hanging out with me from now on.
— Dr. Rigobert Kefferputz (naturopathic doctor), Saltspring Island, BC
This year I managed to hear more of the piece than other years, and I so enjoyed the full experience.
— Juliet Kershaw (editor), Bend, OR
I’m having a lovely froggiescape now. … I bet it will become a classic of Earth Day.
— Deborah Gibson, Vancouver, BC
I listened in much of yesterday to the sounds of the birds and the frogs, and was right there … Loved it.
— Sharon Wagner (retired educator), Bellingham, WA
Amazing. I saw a bit on FB with the light show.
— Sharon Schermbrucker (Director, Saturna Island Community Choir), Saturna Island, BC
The 24-hour stream was magical and so welcomed in this time! THANK YOU!!!
I listened to the Wetland wildlife, it brought back many special memories.
— Jillian Tebbitt (cultural worker), Sidney, BC
Thank you for the amazing Wetland Project! …
I first heard it live on KALW in San Francisco and am recommending to folks in different time zones … Appreciate your work connecting us to nature in these dark times.
— Lisa J. Pontecorvo, San Francisco, CA, USA
Thank you SOOO much for this project. Especially in 2020 when I really am stuck at home, your efforts are more important than ever!
— Marion P. Cox, Maple Ridge, BC
This is such an outrageous breach of the trust your listeners place in you. At a time when a pandemic has killed over 40,000 Americans and an unhinged, impulsive narcissist is in the White House, someone at KALW actually gives the go-ahead to this nonsense. If I wanted to listen to some soothing nature sounds, I am sure there are several apps to address that desire.
You are a public radio station. At least you used to be at one time. Whoever approved this silly little novelty project (which frankly gives the impression it might have been cooked up by a couple of stoned interns hotboxing in the janitor’s closet—yeah, and we’ll call it SLOW RADIO, dude, lol lol lol—) should reflect seriously on the responsibility a public radio station has to inform and educate their listeners, particularly in a time of national crisis.
Have you no shame?
— David Giltinan, San Francisco, CA, USA
To Brady and Mark, in response to the comment from David Giltinan,
I consider the broadcast to be an art-intervention on the medium of radio. All art-intervensions subvert conventions and play with audience expectations. Inevitably, the audience becomes aware of the self-reflexive force that you, as artists, have imposed upon the medium and, because such a force disturbs common expectations, some listeners are bound to get annoyed. It is in the nature of art-interventions to prompt anger. Thus the negative comment from an indignant listener is a sign of the success and complexity of your enterprise.
— Jean-François Renaud, Saturna Island, BC
Sticking to as my soundtrack for today. Pretending to be anywhere but inside my own head will help.
— Kullback–Leibler distancing, Bayside Village, CA, USA
This is lovely.
— A.E. Daly (children’s and young adult fiction writer), Edinburgh, UK
I’ve been listening to Wetland Project since last night and trust me it’s the bomb. Happy Earth Day
— Gurprasad Green, Ottawa, ON
Thank you! This is delicious. (My cats are going bonkers, though.)
— Ms. Bonafide Stay Yo Butt Home Leyda (writer/editor), New Orleans, LA
Incredible to wake up this morning on Earth Day to The Wetland Project streaming for 24 hours on KALW. A bold move to abandon regular programs and broadcast the sounds of a wetland, continuously recorded for 24 hours. It was a bracing and much needed wake up call.
— Jennifer Starkweather and Amanda Hughen (visual artists), San Francisco, CA, USA
Here comes the “frog chorus”.
— Sarah Klein (visual artist/educator/curator), San Francisco, CA, USA
this was so amazing—timo and i both fell asleep to it last night!
— lexvegas
— Melissa Guerrero (interior designer), San Francisco, CA, USA
I’ve got Wetland Project playing while I work-from-home today … gotta say it’s improved the experience immensely. My cat also approves and hasn’t left my office all day.
— Gord Spence (youth group leader), Waterloo, ON
This 24 hour livestream of a nature reserve in canada is so soothing. all lovely bird noises and the occasional duck falling into water.
— E.P. Crowley, Tokyo, JP
Thanks to KALW for another great program. I love the sounds of the wetlands. The comment about aviation noise really hit home with me. Last September I hiked the coastal trail on in the Olympic National Park from Shi Shi Beach to South Beach Campground. Here I found incredible beauty, abundant nature, and wilderness. When I was camped beside the Ozette River a family of river otters kept me entertained. I didn’t see a human all day and decided why should I wear clothes? The bad news is this coast is used for military aviation exercises. Like Top Gun School. It’s extremely noisy and loud. Why should these military exercises be carried directly above this pristine coastline of the Olympic National Park. I’m very much against perpetual warfare so I didn’t like it at all. I’m all for trying loving actions and cooperation instead of bombs. Give peace a chance.
— Charles Chandler, San Francisco, CA, USA
It’s only just occurred to me how much Jeff Vandermeer Area X energy is in the Wetland Project soundscape. I feel like I’m in the early chapters of Annihilation.
— A.E. Daly (children’s and young adult fiction writer), Edinburgh, UK
I’m loving the Wetland Project stream of birds right now on KALW in place of the news for Earth Day! It is powerful and a much needed mental break.
— Kari Orvik (photographer, Kari Orvik Tintype Studio), San Francisco, CA, USA
I heard that this morning on my way to work. A good way to start the day.
— sfipanema, San Francisco, CA, USA
Started listening just after midnight … what a cacophony! So thankful for this broadcast.
— Peter Thompson (Bluegrass Signal host, San Francisco Public Radio KALW 91.7 FM), Oakland, CA, USA
it’s soooooo good … i have it playing in several rooms :-)
— Jenny Sampson (photographer, Jenny Sampson Photography), Berkeley, CA, USA
We were very happy to take part this year. We received lots of engagement … lots of people reporting that listening to the natural world was just the thing to balance out the stressful news cycle.
— Amber Goodwyn (Program Director, Regina Community Radio CJRT 91.3 FM), Regina, SK
The Wetland Project stream is a wonderful lockdown resource, I love it. The sound is spacious, immersive, hypnotic. The only problem is I’ll occasionally jump at the sound of flapping wings in my tiny workroom. (Not actually a problem).
— A.E. Daly (children’s and young adult fiction writer), Edinburgh, UK
It was so lovely. And the evening frogs!
— Jennifer Starkweather and Amanda Hughen (visual artists), San Francisco, CA, USA
So earthy.
— Hilary Finck (Hilary Finck Jewelery), San Francisco, CA, USA
Wetland Project. Earth Day.
— Miles Steuding, Oakland, CA, USA
check it! …
— Marianne Mei, Edmonton, AB
Love this
— Jonah Benton (information technology specialist), New York, NY, USA
This [is] fantastic!
— Bill Sundahl (Development Director, Kansas City Community Radio KKFI 90.1 FM), Kansas City, MO, USA
Love this, so soothing to listen to.
— A-M #FBPE #RejoinEU, Sweden
Just want to thank you for a contemplative, serene Earth Day. It was incredibly dark here, with a thunderstorm to boot, and I listened to sounds of Saturna all day. I realized how much I miss it.
— Mona Marshall (artist), Austin, TX, USA
This is BEAUTIFUL. Wow, I keep looking up for the birds in my room as I listen to this while working. Thank you for sharing … and for capturing the very familiar sounds of Vancouver Island’s nature players @wetlandproject. Feeling very calmed by this. :)
— Jen Newsted (marketing/communications), Vancouver, BC
I listened to “Sounds from the Swamp” all day on Earthday (seems like a century ago already), first as a lark and then I realized that it was just fascinating and there was a definite progression of activity throughout the day. As it was on the local Public Radio station there would be a very new-agey German accented woman doing station ID every half an hour and keeping the listener up to pace with the activity. “The song of the red wing black bird with sounds of planes overhead;” “The song of the red wing black bird with sounds of splashing mallards;” “The song of the red wing black bird with …” I particularly liked the start of the evening Pacific Chorus Frog sing-along.
— Craig Latker (landscape architect, Latker Design Solutions), San Francisco, CA, USA
This is the first time I’ve listened to the Wetland Project in the evening and got 100% blindsided by the sound of a thousand frogs going absolutely crazy. It’s incredible. Nature’s own rave culture.
— A.E. Daly (children’s and young adult fiction writer), Edinburgh, UK
… Everyone loves this project. …
— David Parkinson (Powell River Community Radio CJMP 90.1 FM), Powell River, BC
Really the coolest idea ever … Loving it!
— Laura Folger (Senior Project Manager, Folger + Burt Architectural Hardware), San Fancisco, CA, USA
You are doing a great service! You saved my butt today.
— Spark Pylon
Thank you. It has made a huge difference in my life.
— Michael Horsley (Music Supervisor, The Muny), St. Louis, MO, USA
I am a professor at Emily Carr University and I was looking for a past broadcast of yours that I wish to share with my Ecological Perspectives course. The problem is I don’t know what the program was, because it was a special one time program, but I’ll describe it and hopefully you or someone at your organization will remember it, it was a pretty special thing you did. I think it was for Earth Day or one of the climate marches, but for 24 hours you placed a microphone and broadcast from one of the uninhabited gulf islands. It was one of the most remarkable things I have heard and a very powerful reorientation to give a voice to other than humans. It was also very compelling listening, particularly in the evening when the boat traffic subsided and the frogs could be heard among the birds. One wishes that a certain portion of your programing could offer a show each week of different sensitive areas that need attention around BC.
If you have this broadcast podcasted somewhere or plan to do this again, please let me know, I would love to share this with both my students and our Climate Action Group that is campaigning to save the Old Growth forest being cut down by TMX in Clack Creek, as well as a few other endangered trees on indigenous lands.
— Craig Badke (Assistant Professor, Emily Carr University of Art + Design), Vancouver, BC
I will be tuned in to streaming Monday. And have suggested it to family and friends. Thank you for making this work so accessible to so many!!
— Marcia Harter (retired school principal), Kauaʻi, HI
3rd Annual Wetland Project Slow Radio Broadcast in honour of Earth Day. I love this.
— William Gibson (science fiction author), Vancouver, BC
while some toadie’s talking shit, a listening alternative
— Stephen Reese
Today’s soundtrack
— Sam Hollis (writer/marketer), Philadelphia, PA
I’ve been listening to birds, frogs, insects, and the occasional plane all day, and highly recommend it.
— Libbey White, Portland, OR
J’aime avoir les grenouilles et les oiseaux dans mon appartement ...
We’re very excited about this special broadcast! …
— Regina Community Radio CJRT 91.3 FM, Regina, SK
Imagining all stations playing the wetlands and when you’d turn the dial all you’d hear was froggies.
Can’t wait to wake up in the swamp
— Bruce Triggs (host of Accordion Noir, Vancouver Co-operative Radio), Vancouver, BC
If you can’t make it out, let the @wetlandproject take you to special place this weekend. Close your eyes and listen. What is the blackbird saying? Is that a towhee scratching about? Have the frogs laid their eggs yet? Would the salmonberry be in bloom? What can you hear?
— NSF @powderedwaters, BC
Today’s the day to listen to @wetlandproject’s 24 hour stream from ṮEḴTEḴSEN Marsh!
— Jer Thorpe (artist, writer, teacher, Innovator in Residence at Library of Congress), New York, NY, USA
Glorious frog calls going out live
— Mitchell Whitelaw (academic, writer and digital art practitioner), Canberra, Australia
Grenouilles galore !
— Lyne Gareau (professeur), Vancouver, BC
I’m enjoying listening to the sounds of nature on Saturna Island this morning! Very cool and comforting ...
— Robert Timmings (financial planner), Toronto, ON
super fun, thank you!
— Bhuvaneswari (spiritual teacher), La Pêche, QC
Beautiful work! … Happy Earth Day.
— Mary Bunch (Assistant Professor, Cinema and Media Arts, York University), Toronto, ON
Congrats on another great edition of the broadcast. It is 9 am here so prime time over there.
— Darren Copeland (Artistic Director, New Adventures in Sound Art), South River, ON
Wetland Project ... listen to the earth’s voice ... pray with her
— Gurprasad Green (communicator), Ottawa, ON
I’m enjoying the soothing wetland sounds as I get some work done this morning, although I keep getting distracted trying to identify the bird calls
— Kristen Martin (ecologist), Edenwold, SK
Earth Day!! Wetland Project is on the radio all day today. 100.5FM and 101.9FM in Vancouver. Check link for which station in your city. Thanks Brady and Mark
— Elizabeth Zvonar (artist), Vancouver, BC
Soothing …
— Lisan Kwindt, Vancouver, BC
A beautiful soundtrack for #earthday, thanks to the @wetlandproject
— Janis Mckenzie (librarian/writer), Vancouver, BC
So nice to listen to “slow radio”
— Amber Goodwyn (Program Director, Regina Community Radio), Regina, SK
Love the green flash punctuating that tremendous trill!
— Lorna Brown (Acting Director/Curator, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery), Vancouver, BC
Happy Earth Day. I’m so enjoying listening to spring on Saturna as I work away from the sounds of nature! Thank you!
— Joni Cooper
Such a lovely counterpoint to the usual keystone cops media!
— Keith, Salt Spring Island, BC
the sounds of the planes overhead hurt my heart.
— Betty Ann Watt
It’s almost like we are right there on Saturna Island.
— Gabriel Foley (host of The Prairie Naturalist, Regina Community Radio), Regina, SK
Oh, those glorious Redwing Blackbirds. Have a joyful Earth Day.
— Jillian Tebbitt (cultural worker), Victoria, BC
Listening and collage-ing simultaneously. … The dogs love the wetland soundscape very much too.
— Molly Caron (host of Takes a Village, Vancouver Co-operative Radio), Vancouver, BC
I love the 24 hr Wetlands Project broadcasted on @CJSR for earth day! … Seriously, listen here: www.cjsr.coom. It will soothe your soul and freak out your cats.
— Holly, Edmonton, AB
duck taking a bath five minutes ago.
— Michael Pierce, Saturna Island, BC
You: So, what are you doing for #EarthDay
Me: Streaming @Wetlandproject’s soundscape in sync w/my local time zone! Amazing!!!
Listening to the soundscape is both meditation & activism
— Jenni Schine (sound artist), Victoria, BC
#EarthDay should be every day
— K @Thylascene
‘Sounds of a marsh on Saturna Island’ is an auditory gem. …
Give me frogs making frog noises, ducks flapping their wings on water and the sound of small creatures in tall grass and you have my full attention.
— Dave Jamieson (host of The Dave Jamison Show, TSN 1260), Edmonton, AB
I have never appreciated so much having speakers distributed throughout the house. Sales pitches blather about “immersive sound”. Only today do I understand what it means.
— Tony Simmonds, Saturna Island, BC
Just wanted to tell you how incredible it is to hear this ambience again, all day in my house — on this lovely spring like and rainy day!
I find it so very enlivening. What is it that makes this so calming and inspiring — more inspiring btw than any CDs of the highest quality nature recordings. It has to do with the live streaming, I think, the knowledge that this is happening in a place right now at the same time (even though I know it was recorded a few years ago!). I still think the idea of Wilderness Radio should be pursued. Would the CRTC give a licence to something like this? Or could Co-op Radio and any of the other stations have a parallel ‘wing’ for such a regular broadcast?
Anyways, thank you for this marvellous project!
— Hildegard Westerkamp (sound artist/World Soundscape Project member), Vancouver, BC
It is stressing how many motors (planes, boats, ...) can be heard there ... Sound ecology suffers like the rest of our mistreated planet.
— Philippe Pasquier (Associate Professor, Interactive Arts and Technology, Simon Fraser University), Vancouver, BC
Woodpecker drumming loud. Frogs sing, Wind in trees, Sing Pond. Small earth. Giant sound.
— Nicholas Blomley (Professor, Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University), Vancouver, BC
How could I have not noticed until now the whispered notes of the American Robin’s evening song — such a contrast to their clear morning whistles?! Thank you
— Yuriko Hashimoto (environmentalist, GIS analyst), Vancouver, BC
Been some time since I’ve come across something that has captivated me in the way this has. Radio equivalent of Planet Earth.
— Matthew Iwanyk, Edmonton, AB
Happy earth day! Listening with colour … frogs just starting softly. Really lovely.
Good list of supporting broadcasters. Congrats. Cheeeppp creeekee turppppp whipppp Chic Chic cinthump twiiitt chopchop twipppp eppurrup errup Ruptrupt twittwit whiptrilllii brrrrrrroooo.
— Nancy Angermeyer (photographer), Saturna Island, BC
I have been enjoying your live streaming all day. I am working but feel like I am in the marsh enjoying the calm and serenity of the wildlife and sounds. It is a bit difficult to keep working when all I want to do is lay down, relax and listen.
Is this only available today on Earth Day? Or always?
Love it.
— Jean Deschenes
Visiting the @wetlandproject in the #CyberSwamp!
— Bruce Triggs (host of Accordion Noir, Vancouver Co-operative Radio), Vancouver, BC
¡ Escucha !
— @Rafkatar, Mexico
bullfrogs — need I say more?
— Radio Western listener, London, ON
Hey y’all,
Thanks so much for playing the frogs tonight. What a sweet way to honor Earth Day, and every day. I felt super lucky to be serenaded by them after a long day at work!
With gratitude,
— KALW listener, San Francisco, CA, USA
I loved the bog soundscape again this year — listened all day and loved it all.
— Deborah Gibson, Vancouver, BC
…left me with a nice feeling all day…
— Jess Jackson (host of The Jess Jackson Show, 100.3 The Bear), Edmonton, AB
Such a lovely gift. Thank you, thank you!
— Maria Papacostaki (psychologist), Philadelphia, PA
Congratulations on another great Wetland Project broadcast. In past years I usually listen for some part of the day but especially enjoyed it this year. The sounds and quality of audio was fantastic. Are you on Saturna when running the project?
— Wade Thomas (Audiovisual Technician, Vancouver Art Gallery), Vancouver, BC
First, gratitude. Kudos to you and to Brady, and to everyone behind the scenes. A marvelous project, a magical experience, which I regret having somehow missed in its first two iterations. I listened, not, I have to say, for the entire 24 hours, but during all of them. This morning, after the first bird signaled — without immediately complete success — the last frog to fall silent, I opened the door and walked out into light that was still dim, but into sound that was vibrant with wakening life. Tears prick my eyes now as I recall it. Thank you!
— Tony Simmonds (architect/builder), Saturna Island, BC
Awesome! Congratulations! For these last 24 hours amazing beautiful piece. Good job you guys.
— Hector Baltazar (Technician, Vancouver Co-operative Radio), Vancouver, BC
I listened to a few hours of the broadcast yesterday, in the morning, midday, and sunset. I really enjoyed the experience and was amazed how the planes stand out so much more away from the city bustle. I was listening so intently that it took me a while to figure out the rhythmic oscillation was coming from my fridge! My only criticism is that the interjection of speech was too frequent, but I understand how that would be important on radio. Maybe once an hour would be better.
Thanks for the meaningful work.
— Ben Bogart (interdisciplinary artist), Vancouver, BC
Congratulations, yesterday was the best radio I have heard in a long time. Radio should be like that all the time. Decluttered airwaves. I listened to Vancouver Co-op Radio and I sat in front of the computer with my eyes closed and I was transported to the marsh on Saturna, my life instantly became calm, it was wonderful. Your Wetlands Project should be in every spa. Eagerly awaiting Earth Day-Wetlands Project Four. Three was amazing.
— Rosemary Armstrong (retired), Mississauga, ON
Just tuning in. Looking forward to mixing the sounds of the marsh with my day.
It’s really cool.
— Bruce Triggs (Accordion Noir host, Vancouver Co-operative Radio), Vancouver, BC
Last year on Earth Day I tuned into this while driving transit around the city. Everyone who boarded the bus felt like they were walking into a sanctuary. Tune into this in whatever time zone you’re in and enjoy the natural sounds recorded on Saturna Island. It’s truly amazing.
— Dru Ish (astrologer), Vancouver, BC
Tune in online or to a campus station near you for a special Earth Day live wetland soundscape from Saturna Island, BC.
— New Adventures in Sound Art, South River, ON
Wow. Your project has wings!! Congratulations.
— Ferron (singer/songwriter), Gulfport, FL
Listen to the EarthDay @wetlandproject 24hr live stream from Saturna Island, British Columbia—currently listening to a dawn chorus of frogs …
— Leah Barclay (sound artist, composer and researcher), Queensland, Australia
… It’s fantastic …
— Angela Rudden, Vancouver, BC
Amazing to see the visual display of colours in concert with the sounds of nature!! The frequencies of the universe ...
— Robert Timmings (financial planner), Claremont, ON
enjoying this. when my puppy Luna heard the sound of frogs she lifted her head in wonder.
— Raffi Cavoukian (singer/songwriter of children’s music), Vancouver, BC
my dog Nicholas pricked ears at the raven’s call. SunRun noise done I’m knitting on Saturna.
— Lisan Kwindt, Vancouver, BC
… Confusing the cats.
— Kath Bennett Bowie, Vancouver, BC
Real audio ecology in real time, not a hokey nature-sounds meditation tape.
— Garth Mullins, Vancouver, BC
Loving the sound of a Saturna Island wetland from @wetlandproject on @coopradio.
For six and a half hours I’ve been continuously elated by listening to the sounds from the Saturna Island wetland on CJSR 88.5 FM in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Thank you! This is absolutely amazing radio. …
Still listening since 6:00 am & I don’t want this to ever end. If only there was a way to have this on the air overnight every night instead of the BBC World News! That would be phenomenal. Thank you.
— Danda Panda, Edmonton, AB
I’m listening! Oh so wonderful!
— Maria Papacostaki (psychologist), Philadelphia, PA
… Beautiful.
— Freshwater Alliance, Canada
I am so happy you ran it again this year—that kept me sane last spring and I cherished it
The best cure for all that ails the world
— Kathryn Alexander, Port Moody, BC
earth day perfect soundscape—listen in—this is beautiful.
— Joelle Ciona (project manager), Vancouver, BC
Nice project! Enjoying the soundscape.
— Tanya Hill (writer/editor/digital storyteller), Vancouver, BC
I love what you’ve created. Thank you.
— Janice Dupuis (interviewer/literacy coordinator/writer), Victoria, BC
Enjoying your broadcast Brady! You sound like you are speaking from inside Saturna’s wetland!! Beautiful calm voice! Happy Earth Day. Just left a message on Schafer’s phone telling him about the broadcast! It’s very special that you and Mark have been doing/are doing this project!
— Hildegard Westerkamp (sound artist/composer/World Soundscape Project member), Vancouver, BC
Running my usual Sunday errands I’ve been listening to the @wetlandproject all day. So beautiful. I wish I could listen to this EVERY day. Is there a download or another way?
— Janis McKenzie (writer/librarian)
This is beautiful. A wetland ecology’s soundscape. Synced to your time zone—happy earth day!
— Christine Lintott (architect), Victoria, BC
Love this, been listening all day—have it on all through the house. Kids think it’s strange but are okay with it. What a great way to share the earth. This makes it a GREAT Earth Day.
— Baudboy
This might be a bit weird but I’m listening to the nature sounds over a trance mix and the overall effect is really cool.
— Beckylunatic (social justice worrier), a basement in Treaty 6
sounds so good … If you want to experience the wonder of the earth, listen live to the soundscape from @wetlandproject now!
— Gwendolyn Reischman, New Westminster, BC
Very cool colour sync with the stream
— Steph, Toronto, ON
Just stumbled on the Wetland Project. Thank you for making my day.
— Emily Smith (fabric artist/educator), Vancouver, BC
Magical sounds that can waken us to our actual roots and hope for a future!
— Mikey
I have been fully enjoying this slow radio. It reminds me of the wetlands near where I grew up.
— Blair Welch, Thunder Bay, ON
i love the woodpecker!!
— Kasia Gradowska, Pitt Meadows, BC
Thanks for the shout out down under! Great sound project.
— The Page, Wollongong, Australia
I have been listening all day. Sounds Great!
— Anju Singh (Program Coordinator, CRES Media Arts Committee), Vancouver, BC
I’m enjoying listening to this station. Thank you for sharing it!
I have enjoyed it. I am surprised with the amount of air traffic that is audible. Can’t seem to hide from it anywhere. Hopefully the birds roll with it.
— Russ Tovey (psychic war survivor/bike dude), Edmonton, AB
Amazing how loud the plane is! Really brings home how much noise pollution we create.
me too!!!! so relentless and fresh and present. FROGS
tuning in Sunday-late but wow! as wonderful as last year
— Milena Droumeva (assistant professor, Glenfraser Professor of Sound Studies, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University), Burnaby, BC
This frog chorus just keeps blowing my mind! It’s amazing. I heard the first few croaks here and there an hour or two ago and thought … oh my gosh is it coming?
— Vanessa Brown (artist), Vancouver, BC
I was wondering what the deal was with the hour of croaking frogs this evening. Good to know what’s up!
— Oleg Chubarov, Edmonton, AB
I love these frogs … very soothing and reassuring and mesmerizing …
— Lisan Kwindt, Vancouver, BC
Listening to frog4frog sounds of Saturna Island on the radio, part of Wetland …
— Stacey Ho (artist/curator/writer), Vancouver, BC
My music partner and I were just singing and playing guitar along with the @wetlandproject and (as promised by the whispering @coopradio announcer) it really “was” dramatic when the frogs started up. Lovely.
— Janis McKenzie (writer/librarian)
Bye bye froggies … Hello owl
— Bruce Triggs (Accordion Noir host, Vancouver Co-operative Radio), Vancouver, BC
I’ve been enjoying especially the bird calls/sounds since this morning ... thanks for calling to our attention! A lovely EarthDay gift!!!
— Karen Pidcock (music educator), Kaslo, BC
Have had the radio on all day and night for the wetland sounds. Loved having this soundtrack in our house today!
— Lauren Marsden (artist/director), Vancouver, BC
Congrats … this is such a great project
— Barbara Cole (Executive Director, Other Sights for Artists’ Projects/Curator of Outdoor Art, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery), Vancouver, BC
— SoundCamp (art collective), London, UK
Thank you … for sharing this most peaceful soundscape.
— Sally Livingston (Council of Canadians member), Montreal, QC
Wow the wetland soundtrack made life so much better yesterday! Was transported. Got my parents to tune in, too. Awesome
— Helena Krobath, Vancouver/Mission, BC
Congratulations and Thank you for yesterday. I sat at my kitchen table with my eyes closed and just listened. It was so soothing, almost spiritual. I was immediately transported to a blanket beside your pond. It was just what I needed. Last weekend we had a devastating storm that has decimated our waterfront parks, waves have taken our shoreline, vegetation and trees, there is no sign of spring yet, it’s very disheartening. Today on my walk in the park to catch the sunrise I was saddened to see the way people left the park, they were enjoying the park, on earth day and left all their garbage making no attempt to put it in containers provided. All of us who cherish, and respect this earth and wonder at this place we call home and want to leave it in good condition for who comes after us are we loosing the battle. Thank you again, it was wonderful.
— Rosemary Armstrong, Mississauga, ON
My family and I listened to your Wetland soundscape the whole day on the Earth Day via Vancouver COOP Radio’s Broadcast a couple weeks ago. We enjoyed the broadcast so much and have been trying to research if it is possible for us to purchase CDs (or any other types of soundtracks for it). We would appreciate very much if you could lead us to any possible venues where we could purchase and enjoy the fabulous sounds often. Thank you for your assistance and keep up the great work.
— Catherine Hoy, Vancouver, BC
Throughout the past few months my family and I have been enjoying the 24-hour soundscape you made that aired on co-op radio! … The day it aired there was a furry of texts among friends all checking in to relay what animals were singing at different given times. I’m hopeful you’ll be able to air more soundscapes like this one soon!
— Samantha Miess, Vancouver, BC
Congratulations to you, Brady and everyone involved. We had great listener feedback … People tuned in from Russia and California during our improv music session with the wetland creatures. Everyone involved on our end said it was an amazing experience.
— Tina Flank (Station Manager, CILU Radio), Thunder Bay, ON
Our listeners LOVED the broadcast and we look forward to the 2019 edition :)
— Meagan Miller (News Coordinator, CJSR Radio), Edmonton, AB
Been listening off and on all day long! … so simple and so profound, to listen to the earth noises on Earth Day! What strikes me is how much ENERGY is coming out of all these birds, singing their hearts for hours and hours. Really makes me respect and love them … if that makes sense. Thank you so much. Looking forward to hearing the night chorus of the tree frogs … its outside my door too because we have a small marsh next to my house!
— Leigh Field, Saturna Island, BC
… tuned into non-stop wetland on Co-op radio. I can’t tell inside from outside. Very peaceful.
— Ellen McGinn (poet), Vancouver, BC
This is awesome! …
Remarkably, I can feel my stomach relax in the same way it does when I’m actually out in nature (I’m not, I’m at home near a busy Skytrain line). And, it almost feels like some kind of intervention when I turn on a device (the radio) that I somewhat unconsciously seek to keep my mind distracted and it refuses to comply by providing me with … slowness.
Thanks for bringing something so special to the airwaves!
— Leela Chinniah (Director of Programming Administration, Vancouver Co-operative Radio), Vancouver, BC
What a gorgeous dawn chorus to wake up to! Congratulations on an amazing project, and I appreciate the reference back to the WSP and Bruce’s Wilderness Radio concept.
— Barry Truax (composer/World Soundscape Project member), Vancouver, BC
The Saturna Island Wetland Project created by Mark Timmings [and] Brady Marks … went live on their website recently ( and it’s become my favourite ‘radio station.’ It brings to reality a proposal that Bruce Davis of the World Soundscape Project published in the journal Alternatives back in 1975 called “FM Radio as Observational Access to Wilderness Environments.” … The idea was deceptively simple: to ‘listen in’ to a wilderness soundscape, instead of ‘broadcasting out’ into it.
— Barry Truax (composer/World Soundscape Project member), Vancouver, BC
… had the Wetland Project on all day yesterday and when our dinner guests arrived we kept it on throughout the evening. Everyone loved being immersed in that gorgeous bird- and frog-cacophony of sounds. Somehow the world seemed like a better place. Thanks!
— Karen Love (Director of Institutional Gifts, Vancouver Art Gallery), Vancouver, BC
I enjoyed the broadcast and website all day from 7 am to 10:30 pm … Thank you for your work to bring this to completion. It’s amazing how it feels like yesterday we were out there in the forest hauling my mic arrays, cart, and batteries.
Brady, is it true that this was the longest continuous broadcast of a recording? What authorities do we alert to get into Canada’s record books? You had the most perfect level and tone balance for your 30-minute announcements, they never brought me out of the experience and were always a welcome injection. I was often surprised that another 30 minutes were up. Awesome.
Mark, I think the website implementation was perfect. Gabrielle’s visualization was a nifty background for those running tweets. It’s fun to hear about different people’s reactions from around the world, I know that it was played in Mexico and Italy by friends of mine. I especially love that it’s a continuing live stream. How will you keep it in sync with the time changes. ... how long will you keep it live?
Thanks for inviting me to be part of something special and unique.
— Eric Lamontagne (sound recording engineer for the Wetland Project), Victoria, BC
This is such a great idea ... I am stuck inside all day today & to have my apartment full of wetland sounds is transformative.
— Allan Jensen (founding member of Vancouver Co-operative Radio), Vancouver, BC
I think, and others who heard it through the day (including of course my cat), thought it was marvellous—and blended in a most interesting way with the spring bird sounds from around our house, since I had the window open much of the time, and we live near the Rideau River. Did you tape the day? A great idea into the future for Earth Day, possibly even from different sources, e.g. a forest meadow, or mountain valley.
— Susan McMaster (poet), Ottawa
It was so beautiful. I had it on for 24 hours and yesterday I did again! If I didn’t have to go out I’d have it on right now … What an immense and lovely project.
— Deborah Gibson, Vancouver, BC
I can’t tweet but I am in the wetlands via my radio! Your little wetland is in Oaxaca at this moment.
For most of the day, at home and in my car, I have been enjoying the birds, etc. from Saturna on Co-op Radio. … What a treat. They should do this more often. And amazing that they refer to Bruce as now having his wilderness dream come true. Oh yes, this takes me back. I’ve been recommending it to many. At the farmers market this morning, I told a young woman, who provides me with wonderful almond milk, that I used to be associated with Murray and the Soundscape group. Now I’m a grey hair!
— Joan Henderson, Vancouver, BC
As a hardcore greenie, I immediately knew what the cacaphony I came home to in place of my weekly reggae show was all about, and I have to hand it to you and your masterstroke move—one that only VCR [Vancouver Co-op Radio] could conceive, though I have to admit I enjoyed it together with some dub tunes to make it even more enjoyable. …
— Joel Ornoy (business manager), Vancouver, BC
I have met various people who have been totally enthusiastic about the 24-hour wetlands broadcast. Congratulations to what seems to have been a very successful project! …
Your broadcast has certainly highlighted that this kind of “wilderness radio” may now be possible. Have you thought of repeating this next year as a live broadcast? …
Thanks for all you did. It is marvellous!
— Hildegard Westerkamp (sound artist/composer/World Soundscape Project member), Vancouver, BC
En voyant/écoutant ce que vous faites avec ce petit marais, j’ai pris la résolution d’aller discuter avec un voisin de notre lac des mesures à prendre pour conserver le marais dont il est propriétaire. Malheureusement il utilise ce très beau lieu pour faire de la motocross l’été parce qu’il est sec!! Bonne suite dans ton projet à multiples facettes.
— Marie-Jeanne Musiol (artiste), Gatineau, QC
This is really a great project! Congratulations Brady and Mark.
Let this go Viral, Google that! Let the wetlands invade all those crummy caffeine-driven radio stations. Then invade TV and do so without images … who needs them now! Transmit those sounds to the furthest reaches of the Galaxy so that whoever is out there waiting may know that there is intelligent life on this fucked up beautiful planet.
Strong work Brady! Good for you Mark!
— Chris Welsby (filmmaker/artist), Gabriola Island, BC
Just wanted to say that I love all of the things that are going on with this project.
— Jer Thorpe (artist/writer/professor at New York University’s ITP program/co-founder of The Office for Creative Research/National Geographic Fellow), New York, NY, USA
I so loved the Wetland Project and I listened to it all day and parts of the night. The frogs were my favourite! They went crazy at one point. It was intense!
— Char Hoyt (artist), Vancouver, BC
The Saturna Island Wetland Project was such a wonderful project to listen to this past April. We had it on all day long for a couple of days and began to sense the passing of the day through what we heard. It was a delicious experience.
— Nur Intan Murtadza (musician)/Yves Candau (dance artist), Burnaby, BC
It’s like being there with you!! … Thank you so much.
— Berdhanya Swami Tierra (spiritual teacher), Wakefield, QC
J’écoute les petits oiseaux et le vent dans les branches. Tout à l’heure un hydravion est passé. … Merci pour ce cadeau exceptionnel.
— Stephen Morris (musicologist), Saturna Island, BC
What a lovely way to start the morning!! Thank you for this reminder on Earth Day!
— Daina Augaitis (Chief Curator/Associate Director, Vancouver Art Gallery), Vancouver, BC
Yes, loving it. Especially interesting with sound of pouring rain in background. I’m in Portland. Now that I’m listening I don’t feel like I can leave the house :) I’m supposed to drive home midday but realize I won’t be able to keep listening. I’m in a dilemma :)
— Loren Smith, Bend, OR
At 5:30 am I heard the American Robin on Co-op, singing bravely between country and some other music station! As Representative of Redwing Blackbirds Everywhere …
— Jillian Tebbitt (cultural worker), Victoria, BC
I’m listening, but I don’t tweet! It’s wonderful! Amazing how many planes fly over this little island, isn’t it. Civilization. … sigh … Thanks for this!
— Patti Fraba, Saturna Island, BC
Thank you … it’s wonderful! And my cats kept looking around for all the birdies!
— Joan Hoskinson (financial planner), Thunder Bay, ON
I am thoroughly enjoying your recorded wetland sounds. So delightful! Thank you for doing this.
— Robyn Quaintance, Vancouver, BC
The best Earth Day programming I’ve ever heard! I learned a lot and found it calming, exquisite and enjoyable. I’m wondering if you have a CD that I can purchase so I can have these sounds accessible to me again. [transcription of a telephone message]
— Valerie, Vancouver, BC
I am so enjoying a morning of listening …
— Sharon Schermbrucker, (soprano in Elektra Women’s Choir/director of Saturna Island community choir), Vancouver/Saturna Island, BC
I have been listening and it’s great background music. I meditated to it this morning. Very “virtual.” It was like living my life but not actually being there. … Great event.
— Nancy Angermeyer (photographer), Saturna Island, BC
J’ai écouté presque toute la journée ... calmant et fascinant d’entendre tant d’activité même le soir!!! Félicitations pour ce joyeau!
— Yolande Morin (photographe), Vancouver, BC
Listening right now and at various times throughout the day. Sounds really magical. …
Now on the car radio. Wetland in motion!
— Hank Bull (artist), Vancouver, BC
It was a great experience to tune into the project at home, in the car (unfortunately I was driving on Earth Day) and have the wetland project follow me through the day. Wonderful! And I liked Brady’s comments/insights/voice throughout too. We want it to continue all year round! Congratulations.
— Melanie O’Brian (Director/Curator, Simon Fraser University Galleries), Vancouver, BC
J’ai écouté les gazouillis, grenouillis et autres voix des marais le 22, presque tout le temps.
— Emmeline Debay (artist), Gatineau, QC
BRAVO! pour le Wetland Project. Quel travail extraordinaire!
— Marie Pérusse, Quebec, QC
Congrats on your Earth Day project! I listened to the marsh sounds as I was reading one evening.
— Joni Low (curator), Vancouver, BC
I listened to your beautiful recording on Earth Day. The quality of sound is really excellent. Congratulations on this special project.
— Karen Henry (Public Art Planner, City of Vancouver), Vancouver, BC
I tuned in that morning, and heard the broadcast and quite enjoyed it. Good work! What a great project, and at a time when paying attention to the environment is more important than ever.
— Cindy Richmond (editor), Vancouver, BC
Thanks for sending the link! I can’t wait to hear more. Love that you will be broadcasting a full day cycle of sound!
— Véronique Noelle (singer/songwriter), Vancouver, BC
What a timely and beautiful project. If there is something like it to be done on Gabriola, count me in!
— Andreas Kahre (artist/designer), Gabriola Island, BC
I’m just listening to wetlandproject now. Beautiful, and will take with me to play when I travel.
— Geoffrey Farmer (artist), Vancouver, BC
this is GREAT!!
— Nancy von Euw (performance coach/actor), Burnaby, BC
Wonderful honouring of Earth Day and a joy to listen to!
— Nancy Gerber, Saturna Island, BC
I LOVED this broadcast!!! When can we hear it again?
THANK YOU! I listened to many many hours of it. Sign me up to help with future projects if I can contribute anything!
— Marion P. Cox, Maple Ridge, BC
I put on the @wetlandproject livestream (of the sounds of a marsh) & the cat came running to the window looking for the birds she can hear.
— Aven, Sudbury, ON
Loved the Wetland Project link—I will be playing it quietly (and surreptitiously) in my office a lot.
— Karen Hasselfelt (Cultural Planner, City of Vancouver), Vancouver, BC
Are you listening? Yep!
— Sandra Koochin (retired teacher), Saturna Island, BC